Questions and Answers

Did Paul Say That It Was Good Not To Marry?

The question concerning whether or not, brother Paul actually said that it was good not to marry, has been answered in the Holy Scriptures.  In the book of 1 Corinthians 7:8, brother Paul said, " I say therefore to the un…

When Do You Receive The Holy Spirit?

This question "WHEN DO YOU RECEIVE THE HOLY SPIRIT" seems to be quite common with likely much complications.   After reading  How To Receive The Holy Spirit , the next case study should be When Do You Receive The Hol…

What Must I Do To Be Saved?

Question matter [ pixabay ]   Are you searching for What Must I Do To Be Saved?   Are you in need of salvation but are confused on what you must do to be saved?  Hold on! "What Must I Do To Be Saved?" has been signified…

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